Meet the team

Jonathan Mina // owner - cinematographer

It all started with Jurassic Park…

When my curious 6 year old feeble mind found out dinosaurs were extinct, not only was I depressed but I was in complete awe that someone had the opportunity to create those terrifying beasts. I wondered if that could be me someday and I’ve wanted to create ever since.

I feel that storytelling gives us purpose, to pass on knowledge and teach those who we care about, from generation to generation.

I also love pizza and traveling.

Francisco Morales // sound - cinematographer

I am a cinematographer and illustrator based out of Portland, OR. I have lived in the Portland area for 4 years. I enjoy long walks on the warm sand and a glass of good whiskey. You can catch me cycling around town or rock climbing when i’m not working. 

I also love french fries.